Our school is situated amongst 7.3 hectares and well- presented grounds. In 2017 our school was awarded First Prize in the Country School Garden competition for the Carnival of Flowers Event. The previous year we achieved Third Prize. This is a credit to the Grounds Officer, the staff, students and Gowrie families who appreciate the beautiful school grounds, take pride and do not litter the grounds, help out with cuttings and seedlings for the various gardens.
The school facilities are well maintained and every class room is a credit to the teaching staff who place great importance on purposeful visual displays, orderly and neat environments with collaborative work learning areas for students and reading group rotations. Visual displays are consistent throughout each classroom with posters promoting Gowrie expectations such as : The Gowrie 5R’s; The Gowrie Positive Growth Mindset messages; Word Walls, Learning Goals and Success Criteria Charts.
In March 2003, Gowrie State School celebrated 125 years of education. One of our beautiful old buildings has not only withstood the test of time, but has great historical significance. The original school building is still in use and, although now used as the Music and Instrumental Music Room, it is externally still in its original form – a beautiful and historical reminder amidst a busy, modern school.
Gowrie has had an ongoing commitment to facilities improvement, with the intention of ensuring all classrooms are vital and exciting learning environments. Many of our classrooms and buildings have undergone refurbishments through funding programs such as the Federal Government’s Building the Education Revolution projects of 2009/10, with the building of an air conditioned resource centre, and new assembly hall, complete with tuckshop.
At Gowrie we have a dedicated STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Art and Mathematics teaching and learning space. A computer lab, Science and Discovery space, Art and Technology creation space are clustered together in the hub of the school. The resource centre with a welcoming and vibrant library space for our students and reading rotation groups also includes a Reading Resource room and a Curriculum Planning room as well as an additional computer lab.
Our main hall has provided a modern, practical facility with state of the art technology in sound, lighting and audio-visual which supports many of the school’s daily activities including our Monday week parade; inside lunch time play activities, visiting cultural and arts performances our annual Gowrie’s Got Talent student talent quest and our end of year events. The hall also attracts a number of regular community groups who hire the hall for meetings and special events.
As you walk around our school it will become evident that our school has a bushland setting within a village context yet with a forward looking vision. We still have the big iron bell that rang for morning parade all those years ago with pupils marching into school two by two. We have grown from a school that had 38 students enrolled in 1981 with a two teacher staff and a part time aide to a school with an enrolment of 186 consisting of 8 classes: Prep, Prep/Year 1, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, and Year 6.

Air conditioned computer lab Multi -purpose hall

Covered deck area Under cover gymnasium

Covered lower school playground Covered ausplay area