


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The Gowrie State School P&C Association is a volunteer based committee that strives to achieve successful outcomes and initiatives that will support and grow our school community. We have a strong and dedicated executive team and committee that welcome new families and community members anytime throughout the year.

To successfully operate we depend on the support and assistance from parents, teachers, our school leaders and school council and wider community to better enhance our children’s facilities, events and school.

Ideas, suggestions, skills and feedback are welcomed along with people power.  Volunteering is a great way to meet new and friendly people within our school and the children love to see you there.

Our community

Gowrie State School P&C considers our community to be:

  • Families connected with our school
  • Teachers and staff of our school
  • Community members within the Gowrie and surrounding region

Our vision

A link between the school, the school community and wider Gowrie community to form partnerships and active outcomes.  Our vision chart for 2020 is attached to the right and outlines our goals and objectives for the year.

Get involved

If you would like to be involved with our P&C association, or you want to contribute to our community, there are a number of options available:

  • Be an active member of the P&C by attending and contributing at the P&C general meetings.
  • Provide once off suggestions and ideas by contacting the P&C via the public email address or via the P&C pigeon hole at the school office.
  • Keep an eye out in the school newsletter and Facebook page for upcoming events and initiatives and put your hand up to volunteer.

Meeting time

The P&C general meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7pm in the School Office Staffroom. 

The Current Executive Team and Committee would love to see some new faces, with fresh ideas so come along and join us and continue to make this great school achieve outstanding student, teacher and community goals.  Your child will notice you are being a part of a team that is striving for a better tomorrow for their school.

Our services

In addition to our events and initiatives we support throughout the school year, we also run a number of services throughout the school week.


The Tuckshop is run by volunteers and is a vital part of our school community.  The tuckshop operates every second Friday with orders due in by 9pm the previous Wednesday. Orders must be placed via the School Shop Online website. For Tuckshop operating dates, please refer to the tuckshop menu.

The school tuckshop is operated by the Parents and Citizens' Association. A part-time volunteer convenor operates and manages this facility.

Volunteers are always required to help staff the tuckshop each Friday. If you can assist, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Outside school hours care

Gowrie Outside School Hours Care facility is run by our P&C Association with an efficient and qualified team of staff headed up by our Director and casual educators.

The service operates Monday to Friday and is located on the school grounds.  There is an annual family enrolment fee of $10 per family.  Our enrolment packs can be provided by contacting the service directly on 0439 923 855 or emailing

  • Before School Care - Morning session 6.30am – 9am, breakfast available 
  • After School Care - Afternoon session 3pm – 6pm, afternoon tea provided 
  • Vacation Care - 6:30am - 6pm

Refer to Outside School Hours Care section for more details and pricing.

Note: CCS if eligible and all paperwork is provided

Uniform shop

The uniform shop is open throughout the term and is located in the small room upstairs next to the music room.  The shop sells second-hand clothing at very reasonable prices and also welcomes donations of clothing.  The Uniform Shop is run by volunteers and with operating hours flexible. Please keep an eye out in the school newsletter and Facebook​ page for opening hours throughout the term or contact the uniform shop convenor through the school office who will be more than happy to assist.  Please keep an eye out in the school newsletter for any changes to opening hours throughout the term.

Scholastic Book Club

The book club orders are taken throughout the year via forms provided to students.  Order cans be completed online as per details on the form, or money and completed orders can be placed in the P&C pigeon hole in the school office by the due date for processing.

 Events Supported by the P&C

  • School Disco
  • Mother’s / Father’s Day Events
  • Mango Drive
  • Recycling Containers for Change
  • Gowrie is Great Days
  • Anzac Day
  • Awards Night
  • Year 6 Legacy Area

Contact us

For all and any queries, please contact us via our public email address or drop a note in the P&C pigeon hole box in the school office with contact details and we will be in touch.

Last reviewed 18 March 2025
Last updated 18 March 2025